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___Join Fresh Meat (18+)

  What is Fresh Meat?

Fresh Meat is what the derby world calls their new skater training program.

Each new-to derby skater must complete our 3 month Fresh Meat program before joining regular practice with the senior skaters.

The roller derby community is large and inclusive. we at SRDL are a family, we support each other and we grow together as athletes and as people. 

  Who can join Fresh Meat?

Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome and encouraged to join Fresh Meat!

Absolutely no experience, athleticism, or skating skill is required to join Fresh Meat.

   When is Fresh Meat?

SRDL's Fresh Meat intake generally happens in the spring.

Intake days are scheduled where anyone interested can drop in and try on some skates for how ever long they want so they can get the feel of skating and get assistance from our senior skaters. Its a no pressure, friendly, fun day! No commitment required.

The 2019 intake has not yet been scheduled, keep an eye out on Facebook and Instagram!

Fresh Meat Practices are two hours long, and happen twice a week.

   What you need:

- Skater insurance for $50/year.

- Fresh Meat skaters get their first month dues free, after which point everyone pays Skater Dues of $50/month during the season (we run 8-9 months/year)

- mouth guard

At SRDL we provide skates and safety gear on loan until you complete your Fresh Meat training. (3 months) After which you will need your own:

- quad skates (no rollerblades)

- Helmet

- Wrist Guards

- Knee pads

- Elbow pads

Please feel free to contact our Skater Rep at with any questions.

Want to donate to SRDL? Please contact or head over to our GoFundMepage.

Saskatoon Roller Derby League Est. 2007. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

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